What is acacia honey? Acacia honey comes from bees who pollinate black locust tree flowers. It is a lighter color honey, with a sweet and floral taste. This type of honey is also rich in antioxidants. Sanniti Fulmer Acacia Honey comes in jars as well as in raw honeycomb form. Both are all-natural! About Fulmer Apiary The Fulmer Apiary began in 1929 in Hungary with a man named György Fulmer. Four generations of expertly trained beekeepers have carried the tradition of producing high quality honey to the present day. The Hungarian natural honey is now sold in nearly 40 countries. All Natural Hungarian Acacia Honeycomb The Purest Raw Honey Sanniti Fulmer All Natural Hungarian Acacia Honeycomb is harvested with the utmost care and expertise. The process is completely natural every step of the way; the honey is heated only by the warmth of the summer sun. Fulmer sources its raw honeycomb from the best European apiaries, ensuring a top quality, gourmet product every time. This is a sweet, crunchy delicacy you can’t pass up. Raw, pure honeycomb Heated only by natural sunlight Quality checked 5 times How to Eat Raw Honeycomb Raw, of course! Experience the full, natural flavor of raw honeycomb when you eat it on its own or as a compliment to your morning toast. Enjoy the natural wonder of expertly-handled pure honeycomb. Cheese Board Honey is always a welcome accompaniment to any cheese board—especially one that features rich cheeses like blue cheese or goat cheese. But raw honeycomb? Now that makes an impression! Charcuterie Board Turn your cheese board into a charcuterie board with the addition of high quality gourmet meats. The brittle outer texture and sweetness of the honeycomb provide a delicious contrast to the soft, savory slices of prosciutto.
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